Here are some great post reading activities that I have gathered from attending conferences and surfing the web. Most of these are no- to low-prep. I have acknowledged the creators the best I can. If I have something listed with no name, I would love help tracking down the person who came up with it! Click on the BLUE WHO to be taken to the website for more detailed instructions.
- Annotation Walk
Where: Unit 8, 29
Who: Meghan Loveless
There is a setup involved with this one. - Beep!
Where: n/a
Who: Deb Blaz and William
What: During or after a story/movie – pause at a good point and retell what happened either orally or speak and write. Make a mistake on purpose. Students who hear the mistake will shout BEEP! Talk about it, correct it, and then start from the beginning. - Blackout Poetry
Where: Unit 22
Who: Conference
What: you will need a pre-printed page of text - Bluff Game (the)
Where: Unit 27
Who: Conference - Crossword Puzzle
Where: Unit 28
Who: Cyber Profe - Delayed Dictation
Where: Unit 42
Who: Donna Tatum-Johns
- Have students use whiteboards or paper.
- Read a sentence to them 2-3 times (I like using the class stories)
- They wait 10 seconds before writing it down. (Keep track for them. I hold up 10 fingers and count down)
- As everyone writes, walk around the room and help where needed (if you want to)
- When everyone is done writing – show them the sentence. They can make corrections or you can move on to the next sentence
- Heads up: Donna suggests using this with language they already know. Not using new words. Since this is for Spanish 3, and the story is fairly simple, I feel ok using it here!
- Extra! Extra! (turn into a newspaper article)
Origin: Cyber Profe
What: Have the students take the short story (or a chapter) and turn it into a newspaper article. - Four Truths and a Lie
Where: Unit 20
Who: This has been around for a millennia.
What: Have the students create several truths and 1-2 lies based on the reading. Once complete, they can walk around the room and try to stump their classmates. - Lucky Reading Game
Where: Unit 34a: El Ekeko
Who: Señora Chase - Marker Grab
Where: several
Who: Mis Clases Locas - Most Points Wins
Where: n/a
Who: Deb Blaz
What: This is an after-reading activity. Set a timer and have the students write down vocab and facts (up to you if its open notes/book). Go back over the reading and the teacher designates the points (ex: more points if it’s important or unusual). Give points if students have facts the teacher didn’t say or forgot. - Numbered Heads
Where: Unit 24a Felipe Alou, Spanish 3
Who: Google Search - Ping Pong Reading
Where: Several units
Who: Conference - Question2Question
Where: Unit 23
Who: Conference - Reverse Charades
Where: Unit 6
Who: La Maestra Loca - Seis Game
Where: Unit2 4, 9, 7
Who: TPT under Dice Game
What: Group or pair the students and give each pair one die. Give them a passage to translate into English. One person translates while the other is trying to roll a 6. When they have rolled the 6, they will grab the pencil from their 'opponent' and start translating while the other person now tries to get a 6. (If you group them, then each student will need a die.)
- Smash Doodle
Where: Unit 8
Who: Señora Dentlinger - Special Card
Who: Twitter - World Language Classroom
You will need a deck of cards - Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down (Martina Bex)
Where: All
Who: Martina Bex
What: After reading a story or passage, have the students put their heads down on the desk. Ask the students yes/no or true/false questions. If the answer is yes/true they put their thumbs up. If the answer is no/false they put their thumbs down. - Top Ten
Where: n/a
Who: Deb Blaz
What: Ask students to identify the ten MOST IMPORTANT things to know about what was just read or discussed. You can write them on the board, or they can draw them and label. - Turn and Talk
Where: Unit 9
Who: FB Group
What: Just like it says, after a few minutes of input have the students turn to each other and retell what they heard in their L2. -
Where: Unit 20
Who: FB Group
What: Have the students draw on a sheet of paper (4-6 frames) or use the website to draw the story as you read it to them. - Write Draw Pass
Where: Unit 9
Who: Señora Jota Jota - X’s and O’s
Where: n/a
Who: Deb Blaz
What: Liven up a boring worksheet by doing it with a partner (you know they do it that way anyway!). Hand out the worksheet. Student A answers one of the questions. If correct, they put an X on the board (can be a whiteboard). Then Student B gets a chance to answer a different question. If they get it right, they can put an O on the board. If incorrect, no mark. The correct answers can be written on one sheet of paper, with both names, and turned in.
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