Do you have admin that maybe doesn't understand why your students were dancing when they walked in to observe you? And you didn't know what to tell them? This should help!
I teach Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors and I have them dance on Friday's. I don't ask my Juniors to dance because they are just, different. They have a lot on their plate and tend to see dancing as juvenile; but, they are ready for it again as Seniors.
Here's why I have them dance...
- Culture: We are listening to the target language while dancing, which means my students are getting more exposure, along with the rhythmic feel of the language, to help their pronunciation but in a fun and 'sneaky' way.
- Social-Emotional Benefits: It creates a sense of community and can help reduce anxiety.
- Exercise: They've been sitting all day and it gets them up and moving. This helps improve their focus and energy levels which helps them stay engaged during class.
- Cognitive Benefits: Moving before sedentary activities can help to stimulate the parts of the brain associated with attention, memory, and problem-solving. For example, we often dance before taking our vocab, or end of unit, quiz.
- Humanizing: I dance with them and it helps them see me as a person and not as The Automaton Keeping Them From Getting an A. It also helps them see their classmates in a different light.
- Routine: Starting the day with a consistent, fun activity, helps students transition into the school day smoothly. The routine of dancing prepares them mentally for learning.
- Brain Breaks: 'nuff said
- Preferred Activity Time: When I taught middle school, I often needed to use a reward system and dancing was something they all wanted to do. If the majority of class got their work done, and was on task, and there was time at the end of class, I would put on a Just Dance video for them.
- Do I make everyone dance? No, that would be cruel to my introverts. I say, "You don't have to dance but you do have to stand up!" At least they are out of their seats this way. They are not allowed to be on their phones or working on other class assignments. I am the queen of my classroom and do not tolerate the presence of other teachers' assignments.
- How do I get the students to do it? Honestly, I'm not sure. At the start, I let them know why we dance and that I understand if they don't want to dance because nobody can even come close to my level of expertise. In fact, I tell them, Beyonce often comes to me when she's stuck, and I finish her choreography for her! I also don't care if anyone else is dancing; and, eventually, my joy is infectious and they all join in. But, sometimes I can't get them to buy in! Every few years, I'll have a class that refuses to dance but that's ok. I still enjoy it.
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